Gratitude for our Veterans

Gratitude for Veterans

With the current tension surrounding the election coupled with this pandemic, there is a great deal of complaining going on. And while I fully support everyone’s right to complain, argue and stand for what they believe in, we sometimes forget why we have this right to begin with.  For Veterans Day, I hope you will all take a brief  moment to remember why we have the freedom of speech that we so take for granted. It’s because the bravest among us have fought and died to defend our amazing country. And in spite of all of its flaws and many of its ‘not so great’ politicians, we live in a place where we get to train jiu-jitsu and wine about just about anything we want LOL. So in between arguments over who really won the election and the long list of things that suck, pause for a moment and let’s all feel the well deserved gratitude for those who have given their lives and to those who continue to serve this nation. And if you can do it for a single day, maybe you can do it a little more every day 🙂

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