Proper Sleep Matters We’ve all heard people talk about how important it is to have consistent sleep habits. But why? Is there science behind this? The answer is yes! Establishing a daily routine and going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can yield both mental and physical benefits for adults, Read More
Small, Medium and Long Term Goal Setting We all want to make the most of our lives, but how can we turn our dreams into reality? Setting small, medium and long-term goals is a great way to lay out a plan that can help you get where you want to be. Let’s explore how setting Read More
Starting your day with positive intention is key to creating the success you want. Mental clarity, focus, and energy are essential for a productive day. That’s why it’s important to set aside time each morning for mindful breathing exercises and meditation. These simple practices can help you tap into your inner strength and creativity, allowing Read More
Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, many of those resolutions are forgotten by the end of January. However, if you have the discipline to stay on track, there is no reason why you can’t reach your 2023 New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips for staying focused and achieving success. Set Read More
Kokoro 58 From Friday Sept. 17th 9am through Sunday Sept 19th 12pm, I participated in and secured Kokoro 58. Kokoro is a crucible event led by former navy seals that lasts 50 hours and participants are given no sleep. I have wanted to challenge myself in this event for some time now and 40 seemed Read More